Product Overview
Liquid frost is made with a combination of acrylic resin and a saline solution, which helps to give it a frost-like appearance, after the crystallization of the salts contained in the medium. As a result of its natural composition, external factors can affect the formation of frosts, such as humidity, temperature, and the surface or structure where it is applied.
It can mimic frost on trees, bushes, flowers, ice crystals, and even other crystalline formations. Apply multiple layers and leave to dry for some hours. Following new applications could reactivate the crystallization process and restart the growing process. Can be cleaned with water if necessary. The effects may be different depending on how it is applied by brush or airbrush. It is not recommended to apply too thin layers when airbrushing since crystals will not form. We don't recommend diluting it with water since the crystals that form will be weaker.
Warnings when applying the Liquid Frost
- Once crystallized, if dampened with any acrylic paint or varnish, they could melt or simply weaken. However, depending on the product used, they could crystallize again later on.
- Do not use the frost medium on porous materials that could absorb the medium since it could affect to its performance. Surfaces that should be avoided are natural wood, MDF wood, cork, cardboard, etc. You can still use those materials, but they will need to be sealed in advance before use.
- You can increase the hardness of crystals by applying cyanoacrylate glue through capillarity. If crystals are not well-formed or attached, some detail may be lost. If you use too much glue, you may release fumes containing cyanoacrylate. It is always advisable to leave the crystals as they are if you think that they will not be touched too much.
- The crystals should always be dyed through capillarity, and it is recommended to fix them before dyeing to minimize the effect on their structure.